The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking
Saifedean Ammous’ incredible The Bitcoin Standard: The Decentralized Alternative to Central Banking, required reading for the bitcoin student. If you don’t understand the history of money, and what makes for good money, you won’t appreciate why we need bitcoin.
Bitcoin is the newest technology for money—find out how it fits in the future.
is the digital age’s novel, decentralized, and automated solution to
the problem of money: accessible worldwide, controlled by nobody. Can
this young upstart money challenge the global monetary order? Economist
Saifedean Ammous traces the history of the technologies of money to
seashells, limestones, cattle, salt, beads, metals, and government debt,
explaining what gave these technologies their monetary role, what makes
for sound money, and the benefits of a sound monetary regime to
economic growth, innovation, culture, trade, individual freedom, and
international peace.
The monetary and historical analysis sets the stage for understanding the mechanics of the operation of Bitcoin, the reasons for its initial success, and the role it could play in an information economy. Rather than serving as a currency and network for consumer purchases, the author argues Bitcoin is better suited as a store of value and network for settlement between large financial institutions. With an automated and perfectly predictable monetary policy, and the ability to perform final settlement of large sums across the world in a matter of minutes, Bitcoin’s true importance may just lie in providing a decentralized, neutral, free-market alternative to national central banks.

Available in Hardback, Kindle and Audible versions
Table of Contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- About the Author
- Foreword
- Prologue
- Notes
- Chapter 1: Money
- Notes
- Chapter 2: Primitive Moneys
- Notes
- Chapter 3: Monetary Metals
- Why Gold?
- Roman Golden Age and Decline
- Byzantium and the Bezant
- The Renaissance
- La Belle Époque
- Notes
- Chapter 4: Government Money
- Monetary Nationalism and the End of the Free World
- The Interwar Era
- World War II and Bretton Woods
- Government Money’s Track Record
- Notes
- Chapter 5: Money and Time Preference
- Monetary Inflation
- Saving and Capital Accumulation
- Innovations: “Zero to One” versus “One to Many”
- Artistic Flourishing
- Notes
- Chapter 6: Capitalism’s Information System
- Capital Market Socialism
- Business Cycles and Financial Crises
- Sound Basis for Trade
- Notes
- Chapter 7: Sound Money and Individual Freedom
- Should Government Manage the Money Supply?
- Unsound Money and Perpetual War
- Limited versus Omnipotent Government
- The Bezzle
- Notes
- Chapter 8: Digital Money
- Bitcoin as Digital Cash
- Supply, Value, and Transactions
- Appendix to Chapter 8
- Notes
- Chapter 9: What Is Bitcoin Good For?
- Store of Value
- Individual Sovereignty
- International and Online Settlement
- Global Unit of Account
- Notes
- Chapter 10: Bitcoin Questions
- Is Bitcoin Mining a Waste?
- Out of Control: Why Nobody Can Change Bitcoin
- Antifragility
- Can Bitcoin Scale?
- Is Bitcoin for Criminals?
- How to Kill Bitcoin: A Beginners’ Guide
- Altcoins
- Blockchain Technology
- Notes
- Acknowledgements
- Bibliography
- Online Resources
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Index
- End User License Agreement
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